Why compost?

Reducing food waste, preserving nutrients, saving money-- composting just makes sense.

  • Composting food scraps means they are recycled back into nutrient-rich soil to help grow more food, instead of sitting in a landfill
  • Composting can help businesses save money by reducing costs of trash disposal, and can be a valuable marketing tool
  • Urban farms, co-ops, and community gardens that accept additional materials will increase their impact, make community connections, and gain organic resources

Compostable Materials

  • Scraps from fruits and vegetables
  • Bread and cereal
  • Coffee grounds and tea bags
  • Crushed egg shells
  • And a lot more!

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Non-compostable Materials

  • Meat and fish
  • Dairy products
  • High fat foods, such as peanut butter and oils
  • Anything toxic such as household cleaners
  • Others-- when in doubt, look it up!

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Start your own!

If you can't find a site near you, or just want to take the lead on reducing food waste, learn more about starting your own composting system!